Brand. Brand. Koen Revet & Régilio van Teijlingen

This is Brand.

Brand. stands for the new generation of film. Accessible to everyone. No story excluded. We believe in the power of collaboration. Collaboration with you as a customer, and with all our freelancers. For every project, an experienced group of filmmakers is ready to bring your story to life.

We see ourselves as a creative focal point. The place where many creative people come together to create the perfect picture. Several makers come together under the Brand. label. This unique composition makes it possible for anyone to create a peculiar production. All under the supervision of our leading producer and director.

Koen Revet (creative director)

Born in a creative environment, I was raised with film from an early age. To pursue this passion, I quit my gymnasium studies to start practicing filmmaking at the ‘Zoomvliet College’ in Bergen op Zoom. Here, after four years, I graduated cum laude (with honor). During this study, I’ve had many great experiences that made me the creator I am today.

For example, I was able to participate in inspiring productions in Milan. Starting as a cameraman, I was able to enjoy my job in many inspiring places during and after my education. Here I’ve learned from experience that Creativity Leading and -Directing is my greatest quality. From this point forward, I continued as a Creative Director. After experiencing countless productions, this is the role I still take on to this day.

Régilio van Teijlingen (creative producer)

I like new challenges and tackling them with both hands. My motto? “You can achieve anything as long as you believe in it.” This mindset has always brought me further.

My love for filmmaking ignited at a young age. I started writing and producing my films, without having any experience in this field. During this process, I came into contact with many other filmmakers. With them, I could share the same passion and grow further. Since then, the productions started becoming bigger and more professional.

The dream of making films as my job has become a reality. At the moment, I’m studying Production at the ‘Nederlandse Filmacademie’ in Amsterdam. I take the exceptional amount of knowledge gained here, combine it with my enthusiasm and put it all into my projects. My passion and creativity as a producer ensure that no obstacle is too difficult and everything can be realised.

'Where it all began' 2018 @Milan